About Me

Hello! My name is Guus Knol. I'm a passionate UX & Game Designer and I study Game Design at HKU in the Netherlands. Currently, I'm looking for an internship.

My goal when designing games is to give the user a unique and engaging experience. As a result I focus on UX Design, but I have skills and experience is almost every other part of game development.

Such as:

  • General Game Design (all the way from the core to the finer details)

  • UX Design

  • Level Design

  • VFX (Shaders, Particle Systems, etc.)

  • Rapid Prototyping

  • Programming (C#)

  • Art (including both 3D and 2D)

My experience/knowledge in specific programs:

  • Unity - Very experienced. My "go to" game engine from the beginning.

  • Unreal Engine - Experienced in lighting, asset implementation, cinematics, and general workflow.

  • Photoshop -Very experienced, especially with drawing.

  • Blender - Some experience.

  • Asesprite - Some experience,

You can view my games here.

In my current part-time job I make video clips for music artists. This work is visible here. This part-time job helps me learn to make good cinematics, guide the viewer's eye, and make interesting, realistic and unique environments.

Contact me:

Email Link YouTube Instagram